Hypothesis Testing

Binomial Test
Statistics, Hypothesis Testing

Binomial Test

A binomial test uses sample data to evaluate Hypothesis about the values of p and q for a population consisting of binomial data.
The measurement scale consists of exactly two categories
Each individual observation in a sample is classified in only one of the two categories
Sample data consist of the frequency or number of individuals in each category

t-test : Two Related Samples
Hypothesis Testing, Statistics

t-test : Two Related Samples

A design that uses two sets of data that are obtained from the same group of participants, is called a repeated-measures research design or a within-subjects design.
In a related-samples research study, the individuals in one treatment condition are directly related, one-to-one, with the individuals in the other treatment condition(s).

t-test : ONE Sample
Statistics, Hypothesis Testing

t-test : ONE Sample

A hypothesis test determines whether the treatment effect is greater than chance, where “chance” is measured by the standard error.
H0 the null hypothesis states that the treatment has no effect.

t -Statistics
Hypothesis Testing, Statistics

t -Statistics

The t statistic is used to test hypotheses about an unknown population mean, μ, when the value of σ is unknown.
The formula for the t statistic has the same structure as the z-score formula, except that the t statistic uses the estimated standard error in the denominator

Statistical Power
Hypothesis Testing, Statistics

Statistical Power

The power of a statistical test is the probability that the test will correctly reject a false null hypothesis.
The power is defined as the probability that the test will reject the null hypothesis if the treatment really has an effect

One-tailed Hypothesis test
Hypothesis Testing, Statistics

One-tailed Hypothesis test

In a directional hypothesis test, or a one-tailed test, the statistical hypotheses (H0 and H1) specify either an increase or a decrease in the population mean. That is, they make a statement about the direction of the effect.

Errors in Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis Testing, Statistics

Errors in Hypothesis Testing

In a hypothesis test, there are two different kinds of errors that can be made.
A Type I error occurs when Null hypothesis is rejected when it was actually true. In this error analysis concludes that a treatment does have an effect when in fact it has no effect.

Hypothesis Test
Hypothesis Testing, Statistics

Hypothesis Test

Hypothesis testing is a statistical procedure that helps us to draw inferences about the population by using sample data.
Hypothesis test is a method of making decisions or inferences from sample data (evidence)

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