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Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) – Independent Measures

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - Independent Measures

What is Independent-Measure ANOVA?

Remember the below concepts before starting the session.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Terminology in Analysis of Variance



Example: For a plastic moulding of a Part following are the Factors & Levels


To produce plastic parts Factors (Machine /process parameters) can have any value between Level1 and Level2

Example: Material melt temperature operating range: from 210 ℃ to 290 ℃

The process can be set at 210, 215, 230, 250, 260……………………………………… 290℃

Statistical Hypotheses for ANOVA

H0 : μ1 = μ2 = μ3

H1 : μ1 ≠ μ2 ≠ μ3 (all three means are different)

H1 : μ1 = μ3 , but μ2 is different

Type I Errors and Multiple-Hypothesis Tests

Test-wise alpha level: Type I error

Experiment-wise alpha level: Type I error

For an experiment with three treatments, will compare mean differences with t-tests:

Steps of Analysis of Variance

The goal of ANOVA is to find out whether a treatment effect exists.

Between-Treatments Variance

Within-Treatments Variance

Total Variance

Total variance = variance between treatments + variance within treatments

The F-Ratio: The Test Statistic for ANOVA

In F-Ratio, between-treatments are compared with within-treatments. For the independent-measures ANOVA:

Formula for ANOVA

    • Two variances used in the F-ratio are calculated using the basic formula for sample variance.

Sample variance 

Degrees of Freedom calculation for ANOVA

Total Degrees of Freedom, dftotal

Within-Treatments Degrees of Freedom, dfwithin

dfwithin = Σ (n – 1) 

= Σdfin each treatment

Between-Treatments Degrees of Freedom, dfbetween

dfbetween = k – 1

ANOVA Summary

F-Ratio calculation through Mean Squares.

F-Ratio distribution

F-Ratio Table

ANOVA Treatment Effect – size measurement

ANOVA: Percentage of variance

Assumptions for the Independent-Measures ANOVA

Post hoc tests for ANOVA

Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) Test

Treatment effect: Tukey’s HSD

Studentized Range Statistics (q) 

The Scheffè Test

Example: Test Statistic for ANOVA(Independent measures)

Refer to the below data table for the Breaking strength of the product received from Plant P, Plant Q & Plants. Does product breaking strength vary from plant to plant?

Total Sum of Squares – uncorrected

  1. The sum of Squares between groups (between plants) – uncorrected
  2. Correction factor
  3. Total Sum of Squares – corrected
  4. The sum of Squares between groups (between plants) – corrected

Data Table:

Calculation: Total Sum of squares (uncorrected)

Calculation: Sum of squares between groups (uncorrected)

Calculation: Correction factor

Calculation: Total Sum of squares (Corrected)

= Total Sum of Squares(uncorrected)– Correction factor

= (1) – (3)

= 153719 – 153045

= 674

Calculation: Sum of squares between groups (Corrected)

= Sum of Squares between groups (uncorrected) – Correction factor

= (2) – (3)

= 153242 – 153045


Calculation: Sum of squares within group (Corrected) 

= Total SS  – Between groups SS

= (4) – (5)

= 674 -197

= 477

Calculation:Degree of freedom

  1. For Total sum of Errors = df = 17-1 = 16
  2. For between plants = df = 3-1 = 2
  3. For within plants df = a –b = 16 – 2 = 14
  4. F- ratio from table F(2,14) = 4.86

ANOVA: Summary table

ANOVA: Decision


Download the ANOVA Excel sheet for practice

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