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t-test : Two Independent Samples

t-test : Two Independent Samples

Two sample t-statistics: Participants from Separate group 

Prerequisite for better understanding

The Independent Samples t-test compares the means of two independent groups in order to determine whether there is statistical evidence that the associated population means are significantly different.

Two samples t-statistic | Independent or between-subjects design

A design that uses a separate group of participants for each treatment condition is called an independent-measures research design or a between-subjects design.

Example: Two-sample t-statistic an Independent Measure test  



Two samples: t-statistic analysis:


Independent-Measure Test:

The objective is to evaluate the mean difference between two populations (or between two treatment conditions) and conclude whether two population/treatment has a significant effect or whether the variation is only because of chance.

Null hypothesis

H0 : µ1 − µ2 = 0 

(No difference between the population means)

µ1 = µ2

The alternative hypothesis

H1 : µ1 − µ2 ≠ 0

(Both means are different. Change is because of treatment on population)

µ1 ≠ µ2


Two sample t-statistic: Independent-measure Hypothesis Test

= (µsample1 − µsample2)

t statistics

Estimated standard error Formula – Independent-Measures Hypothesis Test

Two sample t-statistics: Degrees of Freedom 

Two sample t-statistics: Steps for the hypothesis test

A complete example of a hypothesis test with two independent samples is as follows

Step 1: State the hypotheses and select the alpha level.

H0 : µ1 − µ2 = 0 (No difference.)

H1: µ1 − µ2 ≠ 0 (There is a difference.)

Step 2: This is an independent-measures design.

The t statistic for these data has degrees of freedom determined by

df = df1 + df2

df = n1 + n2 – 2

Step 3: Calculate the test statistic.

Calculate t :

Step4: Make a decision

Two sample t-statistic: Assumptions 

Two sample t-statistic: Hartley’s F-Max Test

Two sample t-statistic: F-max value Table

Two sample t-statistic: effect size estimate: Cohen’s d 

Effect measurement is defined by Cohen’s d : 

Two sample t-statistics: effect size estimate by r2

It is identified as r2.

Cohen proposed criteria for evaluating the size of a treatment effect that is measured by r2.

Cohen’s standards for interpreting r2 are shown in below Table

Two sample t-statistics:Confidence Intervals

Measurement : estimating µ1 – µ2

(µsample1-µsample2) = µdiff

Two sample t statistics: Reporting the Results

There is a prescribed format for reporting the calculated value of the test statistic,

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