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Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) – Repeated Measures

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - Repeated Measures

What is ANOVA repeated-Measure?

Repeated Measures

  1. An independent variable is manipulated to create two or more treatment conditions, with the same group of participants compared in all of the experiments.
  2. Study with the same group of individuals by observing at two or more different times.

ANOVA repeated-Measures: Assumptions 

  1. The observations within each treatment condition must be independent
  2. The population distribution within each treatment must be normal.
  3. The variances of the population distributions for each treatment should be equivalent

ANOVA repeated-Measures: Hypothesis test

Null hypothesis: ANOVA repeated-Measures

H0 : μ1 = μ2 = μ3 = …………………..

Alternative hypothesis: ANOVA repeated-Measures

H1 : At least one treatment mean (μ) is different

ANOVA repeated-Measures: F-Ratio

ANOVA: Repeated-Measures: Effect size


Example: 6 students selected from the same section of the class. As per students’ past records, they are good in academics. They have joined Physics, Chemistry & Maths tuitions with three different coaching institute’s teacher subject wise. After successful completion of the course, they appeared in the exam and their scores are recorded in a table (refer to below table)


  1. Calculate Physics, Chemistry & Maths total score ( T = 40 , 66 , 74 )

G = T1 + T2 + T3

G = 40 + 66 + 74

G = 180

P1=21 , P2=24 , P3=36 , P4=36 , P5=30 , P6=33

SSphysics = 45.3 , SSchemistry = 34.0 , SS maths = 23.3

X2 =  sum (X * X) = 2008

ANOVA: Repeated-Measures: Analysis :

SSerror = SSwithin teacher (subjects) – SSbetween students

SSerror = 102.7 – 66

SSerror = 36.7

dferror = dfwithin treatments – dfbetween students

dferror = 15 – 5

dferror = 10

ANOVA repeated-Measures: Mean square value (MS)

At α = 0.05 level,

F (10, 2) = 4.10

ANOVA Repeated-Measures: Analysis summary

ANOVA repeated-Measures: Measuring Effect Size

The percentage of variance accounted for =η2 

ANOVA: Repeated-Measures: Post hoc tests

ANOVA: Repeated measures: Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) Test

Treatment effect: Tukey’s HSD

ANOVA: Repeated-Measures: The Scheffè Test

ANOVA repeated-Measures: Benefits

ANOVA repeated-Measures: Factors Influence

Comparison: t-test vs. ANOVA repeated-measures

Example for F = t 2

Refer following table Four participants have been given two treatments and the output is mentioned in the table.


MD = Mean 2- Mean1

MD = 9 – 6.5 

MD = 2.5

SSD = SS1 – SS2

SSD = 50 – 5

SSD = 45

df within treatment   =  (n1 – 1) + (n2 – 1)

df within treatment   =  (4 – 1) +  (4 – 1)

df within treatment  = 6

G= 62


dferror= (k – 1)(n – 1)

dferror= (2– 1)(4 – 1)

dferror = 1 * 3 = 3

k- no of treatment, n=no of participants

F-ratio and the t statistic are related by the equation F = t 2

F= 1.66 = 1.292 

t = 1.29

t= 1.292 

t= 1.66 = F

Table-1 : F-Ratio Table with Alpha = 0.05

Table-2 : F-Ratio Table with Alpha = 0.01

Table-3 Studentized Range Statistic(q) at alpha= 0.05

Table-4 Studentized Range Statistic(q) at alpha= 0.05

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